Alternative provision
Our Red, Orange and Yellow programmes, although discrete, share a common thread of attachment and trauma informed processes and intervention strategies.
Simplistically speaking they are differentiated only by an agreed evaluation on how much time the ‘Learner’ (Child or Young Person referred), family or other service (e.g. school or foster parent) needs to spend with one of our Learning Facilitators (LF) which is identified at the assessment stage.
All our Programmes follow an Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach that also incorporates other services, outcomes, aims, objectives and plans (e.g. EHCP, PEP, CiC plan).
Red Programme
Outcomes – Assessment, Enable Safety and Engagement
For extremely challenging or hard to reach Children and Young People. They may be excluded or out of education. These are the Learners who struggle to engage safely and appropriately with the families and communities they live in.
After a detailed assessment is completed, the Learning Facilitator (LF) will plan with the Learner, family and other agencies, a bespoke wholistic engagement plan. A Boxall Profile will be completed.
The Red programme allocates a minimum of 3 hours a week of LF contact to the Young Person’s programme.
Orange Programme
Outcomes – Assessment, Maintaining Safety, Building Security, Engage and pursuing interests
For Children and Young People who are vulnerable and at risk of exclusion from or low / non-participation in mainstream, PRU or special school settings. They may be attending other Alternate Provision but not yet receiving a full-time education package.
After a detailed assessment is completed the Learning Facilitator will plan with the Learner and others involved, a bespoke wholistic engagement plan.
The Orange programme allocates between 1 to 3 hours a week of LF contact to the young person’s programme.
Yellow Programme
Outcomes – Assessment, Maintain Safety, Building Security, Creating Stability
For Children and Young People who are presenting with challenges to attending formal educational structures such as mainstream, PRU or special school settings. They may have recently transitioned back to such settings but not yet fully integrated into expectations of setting structures. Learners may be facing transitions in their lives or struggling to attend due to anxieties and how they communicate these anxieties through their behaviours which could be by withdrawing and isolating themselves or outwardly aversive verbal and physical outbursts.
After a detailed assessment is completed the Learning Facilitator will plan with the Learner and others involved a bespoke engagement plan. Boxall profile will be completed.
The Yellow programme allocates no more than 1 hour a week of LF contact time to the young person’s programme.