Core Values of Sun Connections

  • We strive to be a compassionate organization; integrity is our watch word and safeguarding the golden thread in all we do.
  • We aim to serve a diverse community as inclusively as possible and endeavour to hold a non-judgemental stance.
  • Our services and programmes are research based, creative, and person-centred, designed to give value, yet be sustainable.


Core Principles of SUN Connections

In support of recommendations from The Centre of the Developing Child Harvard University we promote the following principles;

  • Supporting responsive relationships.
  • Strengthening core life skills.
  • Reducing sources of stress.

We are also guided by three core principles of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)

  • Acceptance.
  • Empathy.
  • Curiosity.

DDP recognised by NICE as a promising approach see:

Through reflective practice of these core values and principles, our work is relational and serves to encourage supportive human connections that enable growth and learning.