Alternative provision

Our Red, Orange and Yellow programmes, although discrete, share a common thread of attachment and trauma informed processes and intervention strategies.

Simplistically speaking they are differentiated only by an agreed evaluation on how much time the ‘Learner’ (Child or Young Person referred), family or other service (e.g. school or foster parent) needs to spend with one of our Learning Facilitators (LF) which is identified at the assessment stage.

All our Programmes follow an Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach that also incorporates other services, outcomes, aims, objectives and plans (e.g. EHCP, PEP, CiC plan).

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Support Services, Training and Consultation

For families, schools and other agencies working with Children and Young People seeking to create safe, stable and secure relationships with Children and Young People; the type of relationships that support, maintain and connect with them, encouraging their engagement in learning.

Informed by the principles of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) alongside Attachment and Trauma informed practice these services will support your family or organisation thrive not just survive.

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